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View Project's Outputs

IO1: ArtCRelief Training Approach

IO1 aims at the production of a comprehensive and multidimensional training approach for the cultivation of the entrepreneurial skills and competences of ACCPs and their preparation to follow new business models based on cooperation, innovation and digitalization. It will consist of the learning outcomes (LO), training contents (TC) and training methodology (TM).

Download the final report of IO1 here.

IO2: Learning material for the preparation of ACCPs for the new era after the pandemic crisis

Following the completion of IO1, learning and training materials will be created in order to be consequently uploaded on the e-learning platform that will be developed in IO3. Training materials will be developed for each learning unit, according to its content and will follow the principles of distance learning and e-learning. Training materials will include short presentations of theoretical knowledge, short videos, short toolkits (reading material with guidelines for adapting new business models and use of new technologies), training activities, good practices’ presentations and library of online resources.

Download the final report of IO2 here.

IO3: ACCPs e-learning and collaboration platform

The ACCPs e-platform will be an open source, user-friendly, interactive and attractive tool. The e-platform will allow distance learning, streaming sessions and the creation of groups of discussions, for sharing ideas and documents, posts and other materials, and will also facilitate interaction via public or private messaging.

Visit the E-learning platform here.

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